Annimal salvaġġ Wild animal

Hemm 2 verżjonijiet ta' dan is-sinjal. Agħfas il-buttuni hawn taħt biex tara l-istampi, il-kitba u l-vidjows.

There are 2 versions of this sign. Use the butttons below to view the photographs, signwriting and videos.

  • Sketch
    Stampi, kitba u vidjow 1
    Pictures, signwriting and video 1

  • Sketch
    Stampi, kitba u vidjow 2
    Pictures, signwriting and video 2

Hemm żewġ sinjali differenti għal ANNIMAL SALVAĠĠ. L-ewwel sinjal isir miż-żewġ idejn li jieħdu l-forma ta’ 5 mgħawweġ, u li jitilgħu mal-għoli tal-ispalla, jintefgħu ’l quddiem bil-pala tal-id tħares ’l isfel. L-idejn jiċċaqilqu f’kurva ftit ’il fuq u ’l isfel qishom il-mossa ta’ annimal salvaġġ li jkun se jattakka.

It-tieni sinjal għandu żewġ partijiet. L-ewwel parti hi s-sinjal għal ANNIMAL, u jsir b’id waħda. Il-werrej u s-saba’ ż-żgħir jistiraw ’l fuq. Fl-istess ħin is-swaba’ tan-nofs imissu s-saba’ l-kbir waqt li jistiraw ’l barra. Għat-tieni parti jsir is-sinjal għal B’SAĦĦTU. Id waħda tieħu l-forma ta’ ponn magħluq bil-pala tħares ’l fuq. Il-ponn jitla’ u jinżel xi darbtejn.

Għal ANNIMAL SALVAĠĠ żgħir jew kbir, is-sinjali għal ŻGĦIR u għal KBIR isiru minn id waħda forma ta’ 5 bil-pala ’l isfel. Dawn is-sinjali jiġu wara s-sinjal għal ANNIMAL SALVAĠĠ. Id-distanza bejn l-art u l-id tindika d-daqs ta’ l-annimal.

Għall-plural is-sinjal għal ĦAFNA jintuża mas-sinjal ta’ ANNIMAL SALVAĠĠ. Ġieli ukoll tintuża classifier. F’dan il-każ tintuża l-id jew l-idejn fil-forma ta’ V mgħawġa u jitpoġġew f’ħafna punti fiż-żona tas-sinjali qisu hemmhekk qed jitqiegħdu ħafna annimali salvaġġi.

Meta n-nom ANNIMAL SALVAĠĠ ikun is-suġġett ta’ verb ta’ moviment, l-id fil-forma ta’ V mgħawġa jew 5 mgħawweġ tintuża bħala classifier u timxi skond l-azzjoni

There are two different signs for WILD ANNIMAL. The first sign is made with both hands in the shape of a curved 5 at shoulder level but extending forward with the arms in almost horizontal position and with palms facing downwards. The hands make a curved movement slightly upwards and over, like a wild animal about to attack.

The second sign has two parts. The first part is the sign for ANIMAL which is made with one hand. The index finger and the pinkie are stretched straight up whilst the middle fingers touch the thumb as they stretch out. The second part is the sign for STRONG. It is made with one hand taking the shape of a fist with palm facing downwards. The fist is raised and lowered slowly twice or more.

To refer to a small or large wild animal, the signs for SMALL and BIG are made with one hand in the shape of 5 palm down after the sign for WILD ANIMAL. The distance between the ground and the hand indicates the relative size of the wild animal.

The sign for MANY is used after the sign for WILD ANIMAL to express the plural. A classifier is often used. In this case one or both hands in the shape of curved V are placed at various points in the signing space as though several wild animals were actually being put into that space.

When the noun WILD ANIMAL is the subject of a verb of movement, the hand in the shape of curved V or curved 5 is used as the classifier and moves according to the action indicated by the verb.